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Dinton Beeches/ Wilton

We walked the old coach road to Wilton & Salisbury – not, I fear, from where it comes off the A303 at Cricklade Bottom but further west, at Dinton Beeches (SU 002348).  The road runs parallel to & and north of the Wiltshire Ox Drove – see first side-tab.  We did the walk in 2017 and for some reason never put it on the site.

Trying to remember details of over 5 years ago when even yesterday’s events seem vague was a bit of a struggle, but we do recall the variation of scenery – woodland, grass, open fields – along the way.  We also remembered the milestones (see #1).  The writing is mostly illegible but I think I see the last three letters of ‘Wilton’ on the second one.   Then I took pictures of a dreamy walk (#2,3) that ended shortly after we came across the perfect pitch for animals – sorry, cannot give you a map ref. – complete with a horse-trough from the coaching days.  Nettles = habitation = alehouse… (#4,5)

Didn’t get to Wilton; I think an attack of gout put paid to that!

Dinton Beeches/ Wilton image 1
L: 002348; R: 014342
Dinton Beeches/ Wilton image 4
Nettles and...
Dinton Beeches/ Wilton image 5
...Horse Trough